Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Working on Goal #1

Goal #1 for this year was to get my finances under control. I really don't know what that looks like so I picked a few things to focus on for the time being.

1. Investing
I wish I had started investing a long time ago. I thought about it for years and kept avoiding it because I did not know what I was doing and I could not afford to lose money. Fortunately, I found Ellevest. Unfortunately, now that I have decided to start, the Coronavirus comes around and causes stocks to drop. "major sigh" My job ended because of it too. "even bigger sigh" So this is on hold until things calm down a bit.

2. Emergency Fund
I'm slowly but surely building an emergency fund. It is going to take a long time because I don't make much more money than what covers food and bills. I just started and have been trying to work out how much of each paycheck I can devote to it while still having enough for everything else.

3. Budgeting
I have struggled so much with budgeting over the years. I've tried multiple apps, spreadsheets, and paper with no luck. I can't seem to make any system work for me. I need to come up with something that I can work at least for the time being.

It's a start. I am definitely on hold while this pandemic has the world shut down. I feel confident that I will be on the right track once everything is up and running again.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Fool

A new journey
A new beginning
Unaware and naive
But excited and optimistic
Prepared to learn and grow
Together with my faithful companion
Ready to venture into the unknown
Though rash decisions may be made
And inexperience will have consequences
Faith will be tested
And freedom will be achieved
Immature patterns will be revealed
And intuition will be developed
I have everything I need to start
It all begins with a leap of faith

Creative Commons License
The Fool by Porcelain Lotus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tarot and Journaling

My journaling practice has been very stagnant for a long time and I've been floundering without it. Journaling is what grounds me. Without it, I struggle. So far, nothing has really revived it. I've looked into creating different spiritual practices to ground me and the only thing I've really connected with are tarot and oracle cards.

I'm going to attempt to put journaling together with tarot and oracle cards. For starters, I want to try to write a poem in the first person, about each of the major arcana of the tarot. Each card has a "positive" and "negative" meaning that I plan on incorporating into each poem.

Let's see if this gets me writing again.